So, you have been efficient, planned ahead, and filed your tax return on time. But what should you do when it is time to get started with a tax refund status check? Because the processes for how to check tax refund status can vary from state to state, finding out how much you receive can be surprisingly confusing and time-consuming.
To make life a little easier, we have pulled together your ultimate guide to "How to Check My tax Refund Status." Below you will find a breakdown of how to do a tax refund status check in every state.
Scroll down to your state and learn how to check your refund status quickly and without complications.
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What Do You Need for a Tax Refund Status Check?
Before you start with our guide for checking tax refund status, make sure you have your details, such as your Social Security and Tax ID. You may also need to know your expected tax refund amount - this should be accessible on your printed copy of your completed state tax return.
How to Do a Federal tax Refund Status Check?
To check your tax refund status for U.S. federal taxes from 2019 onwards, you can head over to the IRS Refund Tracking Website. You will need to input your Social Security Number, the tax year, and your expected tax refund amount.
How Do I Check My tax Refund Status for my State?
If you live in a state which charges state income tax, you will find the details on the website to head to below. If you have recently moved into your new state and do not find your state in our list below, you should check to see if your state falls into our list of those which do not charge state income tax.
Which States Do Not Have State Income Tax?
New Hampshire will only charge income tax on interest and dividend income. In contrast, the below states do not charge state income tax at all.
- Florida
- Washington
- Alaska
- Texas
- Nevada
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
State-by-State Breakdown of How to Check Tax Refund Status
How to Do a Tax Refund Status Check in Alabama
Head to the My Alabama Taxes website and click on the "Check my refund status" link on the site.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in Arizona
You can check your income tax refund status in Arizona for returns filed from 2007 onwards by heading to the AZTaxes Website.
How Do I Check my Tax Refund Status in Arkansas?
You can check your tax status refund information by going to the Arkansas Taxpayer Access Point website.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in California
Check when you will receive your refund by going to the Where's My Refund Page of the California Franchise Tax Board.
Checking Your Refund Information in Colorado
Colorado citizens can check the refund filing status on the Revenue Online Tool on the Colorado Department of Revenue Website.
How to Check Your Earned Income Refund Amount in Connecticut
Go to the Taxpayer Service Center to access information about your filed tax returns and expected refunds.
Doing a Tax Refund Status Check in Delaware
When searching for your tax refund status, go to the Delaware Refund Inquiry website for the latest news on your returns.
Checking My Refund Status in Georgia
You can easily check your refund status by heading to the Georgia tax Services page on the Georgia Gov website.
How to Check tax Refund Status in Hawaii
Check on the status of your refund by using the Hawaii Department of Taxation's Refund site, seven to eight weeks after an electronically filed return or approximately ten weeks after a mailed form.
Where do I Check My Tax Refund Status in Idaho?
You should head over to the Idaho Taxpayer Portal and then click on the "Where's My Refund?" link on the page.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in Illinois?
Illinois residents should head over to the MyTaxIllinois website to check their tax information.
Checking your Refund Status in Indiana
You can use the Indiana State Taxpayer Information Management Engine "InTime" for the information you need.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in Iowa?
Use the Iowa Department of Revenue Refund Tracker to discover a real-time notification of your current refund status.
Doing a Tax Refund Status Check in Kansas
Visit the Kansas Department of Revenue site to check your income tax refund status and amount.
How to Check My tax Refund Status in Kentucky?
You can easily check the status of your refund for the current year by going to the state's Refund Status Website. If you want to check older returns, call 502-564-4581 to speak to an advisor.
Checking Your Income Tax Refund in Louisiana
Go to the Louisiana Taxpayer Access website and click on the "Where's My Refund?" link to check your status.
Discovering Your Refund Status in Maine
Head over to the Maine Revenue Status Online Portal to discover the status of your tax refund.
Learning your State Tax Refund Status in Maryland
Go to the Maryland Online Tax Service Portal to discover the current status of your refund.
How to Check My Tax Refund Status in Massachusetts?
Click on the "Where's My Refund?" link on the Mass Tax Connect website to check the status of refunds dating from 2018 onwards.
Doing a Tax Refund Check in Michigan
Go to the Michigan Individual Income Tax website and click on the "Where's my Refund" link.
Checking your Income Tax Refund Status in Minnesota
To check on the status of refunds from 2018 onwards, head to the state's Department of Revenue website and click on the "Where's my Refund" link.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in Mississippi?
Check the Mississippi Department of Revenue's Tax Access point and click on the refund status link.
Checking my Tax Refund Status in Missouri
Head to the Return Inquiry System on the Missouri Department of Revenue website to discover your current status.
Doing a Tax Refund Status Check in Montana
Go to the TransAction Portal on the Montana Gov website and click on the where is my refund link.
Discovering your Refund Status in Nebraska
You can use the Individual Tax Portal on the Nebraska Department of Revenue Website to check your current status.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in New Hampshire?
If you have paid taxes on your interest and dividend in New Hampshire, you can request a refund for overpayment by using the Hampshire Department of Revenue website.
Checking Your Status in New Jersey
Check your income tax refund by using the New Jersey Individual Income Tax Website to check returns from 2020 onwards.
Doing a Refund Status Check in New Mexico
Use New Mexico's TaxPayer Access point to access your tax information and click on the "Where's My Refund" link.
Discovering your State Tax Refund Status in New York
You can easily check the status of your refund by heading to the New York Refund Status Website.
How to Check my Tax Refund Status in North Carolina?
Head to the North Carolina Department of Revenue website and click on the link to discover your refund status.
Doing a Tax Refund Status Check in North Dakota
Use the North Dakota Taxpayer Access point to check the status of return refunds dating from 2020 onwards.
Checking Tax Refund Status in Ohio
Look at the Ohio Department of Taxations Website to check the status of any tax refunds you are expecting to receive.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in Oklahoma?
Use the Oklahoma Tax Access Point to check for your tax returns for the previous year.
Looking up the Status of your Tax Refund in Oregon
Go to the Oregon Revenue Online website for daily updates on the status of your income tax refund.
How to Check my Tax Refund Status in Pennsylvania?
Head to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue's Tracking Website to discover the current status of your refund.
Checking Your Status in Rhode Island
Visit the Rhode Island Tax Website to check the status of refunds on your income tax returns.
Doing a Tax Refund Status Check in South Carolina
Go to the MyDORWAY tax portal from the South Carolina Department of Revenue to discover your refund status.
Discovering the Status of your Refund in Utah
You can check your tax refund status by heading to the Utah Taxpayer Access point.
How to Check Tax Refund Status in Vermont?
Head over to the Vermont MyVTax website to discover all the information you require about your tax returns and refunds.
Checking your Tax Refund in Virginia
Go to the Virginia Refund Tracking Tool on the State website to check the status of returns from 2013 onwards.
How to Check my Tax Refund Status in Washington, D.C.?
Navigate to the Washington MyTaxDC website to manage your tax issues, including checking on the status of your refunds.
Doing a Refund Status Check in West Virginia
To check your income tax refund in West Virginia, go to the state's MyTaxes Website and select the Search for a Refund link.
How to Find your Refund Information in Wisconsin?
Check the Wisconsin Refund 123 site to easily access the refund information needed for your tax returns from 2019 onwards. Tags

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