Are Airbnb Security Cameras Illegal? How to find Cameras in your Airbnb?
There are many benefits to booking with Airbnb. Using the service you can easily access cheap accommodation across the globe and enjoy individual experiences within unique homes and neighborhoods.
But a recent problem that has been hitting the headlines is the possibility of Airbnb hosts placing recording devices in private spaces in the rental property.
No one likes to think that there may be a camera hidden in the bathroom or bedroom recording our every move so it can be watched by a shadowy stranger. So, if you are worried about cameras recording you on your next Airbnb stay, you'll need to arm yourself with the best information.
Below we will look into whether it is legal to have Airbnb security cameras, what rooms can be recorded and how to spot hidden cameras in your bathroom and sleeping areas.
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Are Airbnb Security Cameras Illegal?
If you are an Airbnb host, you will have your own security concerns. If you have previously had to deal with renters damaging or stealing your property, placing a camera is a logical idea. You will want to protect your rental service by attaining proof of damage or harm to your business. But is the practice actually legal?
Well according to Airbnb, you can place security cameras in communal areas such as the living room, but you can not have cameras recording in bathrooms, bedrooms, or any other sleeping areas. There are also strict rules you will have to follow if you do want to place cameras in your accommodation.
- Hidden Security Cameras and other recording devices are absolutely not allowed.
- You need to make sure that you clearly state that there are security cameras in the rental property when you put up your listing on the site, under the Things You Need To Know Section.
- Even if the cameras in your property are not currently working or hooked up you need to make guests aware of your lisitng.
- You must make sure to make your guests aware if you are using live recording devices.
So Airbnb has very clear set rules about when and where the use of camera recording is permitted. But are AirBnB Security Cameras actually illegal?
Well, since Airbnb offers properties all over the world, laws, and regulations will vary. But if you do get caught using a camera hidden in a bedroom and bathroom, you can generally expect to face legal consequences with the local law enforcement department. No matter which country you are in, a quick google search will show you the consequences of illegal recording in Airbnb properties and hotel rooms.
How to find Cameras in your Airbnb?
So, now we know that Airbnb owners are prohibited from using security cameras in the sleeping and private spaces in their properties. But, as detailed in the paragraph above, we cannot always rely that this will be enough for us to be able to rely on. So, below we will show you how to carry out some easy, practical, and actionable steps you can take to find cameras recording in your rental property.
Get Searching in Every Room and Investigate Suspicious Areas.
A preliminary physical search should be your first step. Stand in the middle of each of the rooms of the property and assess all the corners, nooks, and crannies of the room. If you wanted to keep a camera hidden in this room, where would you put it? Make sure to check on shelves, down the sides of furniture, and any other places it might be easy to conceal a camera.
Then take a look at all the fire alarms, radios, thermostats, and other devices to see if you can spot any sign of disturbance, untidy screws, or any other sign that someone may have placed a camera within the technology.
Use your Camera Phone Torch to Shine a Light in Dark Areas and within Devices.
One of the most effective ways to discover if a camera is to shine a torch light into inaccessible areas. When you shine a bright light, you should get a definite indictor of the presence of a camera. The light will hit a camera lens and you will be able to easily spot the presence of a camera device.
Turn off all the TVs, Music, and other Machines and Listen.
Most hidden cameras have been designed to be as quiet as possible, but most will emit slight sounds as they operated. You may hear buzzing and whirling sounds if you listen out carefully enough.
Move alarm clocks and radios.
Play it safe and take all small unnecessary devices which could be doubling as areas to hide cameras and place them in drawers for the duration of your stay.
Check the WiFi Network for the property.
If there are security cameras on the property they will need to be connected to a WiFi network to operate. Use a wifi scanning app, to discover how many wifi networks are running on the property. Some hidden camera users may be in the habit of using a separate wifi line to hide their activity.
Go one step further and invest in a Hidden Camera Detector.
If you want to feel that extra bit secure during your stay, you can choose to invest in a hidden camera detector. This detector will assist you in routing out cameras hidden in the property by detecting the light they generate.
Takeaway - Are AirBnB Security Cameras Illegal? How to find Cameras in your Airbnb?
Airbnb has enabled a whole new approach to travel. Unfortunately, it has also opened up some areas for people to engage in criminal behavior. Airbnb is very clear about exactly where and how hosts are allowed to use security cameras in their accommodation, but this does not mean that hosts will follow the rules.
To feel more secure when you move into a new AirBnB there are several quick checks you can do to try and find any hidden cameras in the rooms. You can even invest in hidden camera detectors and wifi scanners to help you along the way.
If you do find cameras, your first step should be to contact the local authorities so that they can pursue the matter legally. Then arrange alternative accommodation and contact Airbnb to make them aware of the incident.
To enjoy your vacation fully, your personal safety and privacy are the base requirements. By following out tips above you can take steps to make sure you are confident that you are not being recorded.

Airbnb vs Hotel
When choosing whether you would prefer to stay at a hotel or an Airbnb location on your next trip, there are several things you will need to consider.